Benefits of being included in the OBC list:

The Central Government of India maintains a list of castes/communities to be considered as OBC. OBCs are distinct from Scheduled Classes (SC) or Scheduled Tribes (ST). Other Backward Classes (OBC) are socially and educationally backward classes in India. What if you fall under OBC creamy layer?.What is the validity of an OBC Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?.Info-bits which will be useful for you to get OBC Non-Creamy Layer Certificate.Will the candidate’s Income be also included while determining the family income with respect to Non-Creamy Layer status?.Who is the authority to issue the OBC Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?.Income Limit of determining the Non-Creamy Layer Status of OBCs.How can you know if you belong to Creamy Layer OBC or Non-Creamy Layer OBC?.

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